showing 7 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Caesar's Palace  Virgin (Virgin Interactive;Realtime Associates)1992 blackjack21 poker roulette slotmachine labelimageminimize
Casino Kid  Sofel1989 blackjack21 consoleclassix currency poker roulette savepassword slotmachine versionvariations The Japanese and US versions differ in a number of points. The Japanese version had an additional Free Mode, enabling the player to chose a game of his liking. It included Roulette and Slot Machine games. NPC graphics are also changed. Not surprisingly the Japanese version is a 2 MBit cartridge, while the US version fit on 1 Mbit.***1 player only
NES-KP-USA Casino Kid published 1989-06 by Sofe in the USA
(alternate version) SFL-KP $1,000,000 Kid: Maboroshi no Teikohen/100 Man $ Kid - Maboroshi no Teiou Hen/100万$キッド 幻の帝王編 published 1989-06-01 BY Sofel in Japan
[i]100 Man $ Kid and Casino Kid are two different though related games.[/i]
The main character begins with on $500 and arrives at a casino to defeat the mysterious ultimate opponent at poker. But he doesn't even reveal himself to anyone who doesn't have a million dollars in chips. First, the Casino Kid must work his way up the ranks. 8 blackjack players/dealers can be found at the tables. Casino Kid but bankrupt each of them in order until they are all defeated. 8 Poker players are found wondering the floor of the casino and must also be defeated in order. The floor also has waitresses in bunny suits and other players who offer tidbits about different opponents' tells or inform the player where to find said opponents. If the player skips ahead one opponent, they will tell them where to find the previous. Trying to skip ahead 2 or more opponents gets a rude comment. The line of poker players is progressed separate from the line of Blackjack players but both lines must be completed to win $1,000,000 in chips (unless using a hacked password). Each opponent sets different limits and rules about surrendering a hand, quiting the game, or betting it all (player or opponent can do these if allowed at a table). Supposedly opponents get better as you progress through the lines. A password system allows the player to record progress outside of a contest with an opponent. Most opponents force you to play until someone is bankrupt, so there is really no way to save during a contest. Passwords record money and defeated opponents separately, so it is possible to use a hacked password to load an uncompletable game if there is not sufficient money held by the undefeated opponents to add up to one million.

Note that 100 Man $ Kid also included Slots and Roulette. It let the player name themselves and featured a different casino and characters. It also had a 'free' or pratice mode separate from the 'quest' mode like Casino Kid.
Casino Kid II  Sofel1993 africa asia asia-east asia-south australia blackjack21 brazil canada china consoleclassix england europe india japan nigeria northamerica poker roulette russia savepassword southamerica usa NES-CK-USA
1 player only
The box reads "C♠sino Kid II" and the title screen reads "Ca$ino Kid 2"

This casino game is framed differently but follows the same basic premise as the first in the series. A year after the Casino Kid became 'King of Casino' in trhe US, a mysterious gambler has arranged a tournament between the worlds best gamblers from arround the wourld. Each has a different game and there are 3 for each game that must be completed in order per game type. Bankrupting them all nets a million dollars and then the Casino Kid must face the mysterious gambler in one game of each type bankrupting him in each. There are no casinos or people to offer hints in this game. Opponents are chosen on a world map.
USA, Casino Kid (the protagonist)
Australia, Jyina Nagukem, Blackjack LV 1
Canada, Rocky Hammer, Blackjack LV 2
Russia, Nikorai Bunin, Blackjack LV 3
China, Rie Lenka, Roulette LV 1
England, Paul Kieton, Roulette LV 2
India, Abu Ganxil, Roulette LV 3
Brazil, Allton Silver (Ailton Silver), Poker LV 1
Nigeria, Othman Jr., Poker LV 2
Japan, Ryu Mishima, Poker LV 3
Olympic IQ  Sachen1991 poker uvl-descriptionincomplete A copy of the game was reportedly found in a US thrift store then sold on ebay. At least one other copy has been found as well. It comes in a standard Sachen orange box variant or in a unique blue box variant.. labelimageminimize
Peek-A-Boo Poker  Panesian;Hacker International (Hacker International;Panesian)1991 earth erotic latemodernperiod naturalistic noasin nudity poker present realworld traditional AV Poker (AKA: Poker), JAN: 4955754200694, developed and published 1990 by Hacker International in Japan.
Published 1990 in Australia
Peek-A-Boo Poker PAN-PP additional development and published 1991 by Panesian in North America

Five card draw, strip poker.
Poker American Video Entertainment? poker uvl-descriptionincomplete Well, the boxes where made, the game was completed but I don't think we shipped any.
[Phil Mikkelson]
Poker III: 5 in 1  Sachen1991 blackjack21 poker A copy of the game was reportedly found in a US thrift store then sold on ebay. labelimageminimize